9 Surprising Fetishes: Kinky Doesn't Even Begin to Describe It

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The world of human sexuality encompasses a vast range of interests known as fetishes that extend far beyond the mainstream. While some fetishes are well known and even mainstream, others reside on the fringes of human sexual expression. This article explores 9 of the most surprising and bizarre fetishes that people actually have. From crush fetishists to balloon popping, to vorarephilia, the depths of human sexuality knows no bounds. If you have an open and curious mind, read on to discover some of the strangest fetishes that exist. But be warned, kinky doesn't even begin to describe what you're about to discover. The world of fetish is weird, wild, and waiting to be explored.

Foot Fetish: Worshiping the Lowly Foot

For the foot fetishist, the lowly foot reigns supreme as an object of desire and worship. This common kink manifests itself as a fixation on feet that is sexual in nature.

Foot worship typically involves massaging, kissing, and licking a partner's feet. Some foot fetishists are particularly attracted to certain foot characteristics like arch shape, toe length, or scent. Stockings, socks, high heels and other footwear may also be incorporated into the foot worship ritual.

The origins of foot fetishes are not fully understood but may be linked to wires getting crossed in the brain that confuse feet with genitalia. Another theory is that feet are a focus for those seeking a more submissive role. Whatever the cause, foot fetishes are one of the most common kink interests.

For safety and hygiene, it is recommended that foot worshippers and their partners wash and groom feet before any interactions. Establishing mutual comfort levels and consent with any kink activity is also critically important. If done correctly and carefully, foot fetishes can be an exciting and rewarding part of one's sexuality. However, it is not for everyone, and that is perfectly alright. There are many other flavors of kink and fetish one might explore.

In summary, while a foot fetish is certainly an unconventional interest, it is a harmless kink that many people do find pleasurable and exciting when practiced between consenting partners. If feet just aren't your thing, rest assured there are plenty of other fetishes out there to pique your interest.

Balloon Fetish: Pop Goes the Weasel

For those with a balloon fetish, the act of inflating and popping latex balloons can be extremely arousing. Balloon fetishists, known as “looners,” experience sexual pleasure from balloons in a variety of ways.

Some looners become excited by the visual appeal and textures of balloons, enjoying the act of inflating them and feeling the balloons. The tension and anticipation leading up to a balloon pop is thrilling for many looners. The bursting of a balloon, especially a larger one, can be intensely satisfying.

Looners indulge in their fetish alone or with a partner. Balloons may be popped using hands, pins, or even genitals for an extra erotic thrill. Balloon fetish play often involves partially inflating and deflating balloons to prolong the experience, using multiple balloons for a bigger “bang,” or combining balloons with bondage.

Like many fetishes, a balloon fetish often develops at a young age. The first experiences with balloons, such as at a birthday party or carnival,become sexually charged in the mind of the looner. The sight and sound of balloons stay imprinted and arousing into adulthood.

Balloon fetishes are generally considered a safe kink to explore, but looners should exercise caution. Inhaling the gasses from popped balloons can be dangerous. It’s also unwise for looners to indulge in their fetish secretly at work or in public. With the right precautions taken, balloon play can be an exciting and sexually fulfilling experience for looners and their partners.

Furries: Dressing Up as Cute and Cuddly Animals

Full Body Datex Catsuit (LE 9211) available in different colours

Furries, or members of the furry fandom, dress up in anthropomorphic animal costumes and take on the persona of that character. For some, it is a sexual fetish where they act out fantasies of having sex while in their “fur suit.” For others, it is more of a cosplay hobby and way to express themselves creatively.

To engage in furry play, you will need a fur suit, which typically costs between $500 to $10,000 depending on the complexity. The suit usually consists of a mask, bodysuit, gloves, and foot covers that make you appear like a cartoonish version of an animal like a fox, wolf, cat or dragon. Some furries invest in high-tech suits with animatronic parts that move the ears, jaws, and tails for a realistic experience.

When engaging in furry fetish activities, set clear boundaries and a safe word with your partner beforehand. Fur suit sex can be difficult and risky, so take things slowly until you get accustomed to the bulkiness of the suits. Focus on foreplay, petting, scratching and cuddling at first. As with any fetish, make sure all participants provide enthusiastic consent and feel comfortable at every step.

Safety is also important to consider with the suits. They can get very hot, so be cautious of overheating and dehydration. Remove pieces of the suit or take breaks as needed. The limited visibility and mobility the suits provide also require extra care. Avoid engaging in overly strenuous activity or anything that could result in falls or injury.

For some, furry fandom is a way to unleash their wild side and connect with their inner animal in a pleasurable and exciting way. Embracing this fetish can lead to new sensory experiences and intensify sexual encounters for furry participants and their partners. However, it is not for everyone, so make sure to reflect carefully on your interests before investing in a fur suit.

If one of your pet fantasies includes using a leash or a collar, find the perfect one for your partner and yourself.

Adult Baby Diaper Lovers: Regressing to Infancy

Adult baby diaper lovers (ABDLs) regress to an infant-like state by wearing diapers, often with babyish accessories. For ABDLs, diapers can be a source of comfort, security, or arousal.

Regressing to Infancy

ABDLs may participate in age regressive activities like drinking from bottles, sucking on pacifiers, sleeping in cribs, and engaging in baby talk. Some ABDLs take on a more parental role to indulge their partner's interests, while others prefer a caregiver.

Wearing diapers allows ABDLs to relive the nurturing experience of infancy. For some, diapers are a means of escapism or stress relief from adult responsibilities. ABDLs often report that diaper wearing induces a calming, meditative state. The crinkly sounds and feeling of a diaper can be soothing.

  • Roleplaying as a baby by wearing diapers, onesies, and other babyish clothes
  • Engaging in baby talk like goo-goo ga-ga or calling their partner mommy or daddy
  • Using adult-sized baby bottles, pacifiers, stuffed animals and other props
  • Some may use diapers for practical reasons due to incontinence, though they still find them pleasurable

Diaper play provides sensory and tactile stimulation. The feeling of a wet diaper against the skin or the act of changing a diaper can be arousing for ABDLs and their partners. Some enjoy the taboo aspect of infantilism and diaper fetishism.

ABDL communities provide support and help ABDLs accept themselves. However, some report feelings of shame due their interests. With understanding partners, ABDLs can explore their kink in a safe and ethical manner.

Feederism: Eating as Foreplay

Feederism refers to deriving sexual pleasure from eating large amounts of food or watching others do the same. For feeders, the act of feeding their partner and the resulting weight gain is a source of arousal and gratification.

Feederism often involves a feeder, who does the feeding, and a feedee, the person being fed. The feeder provides the feedee with food, encourages them to eat more, and derives pleasure from watching them eat and gain weight. The feedee enjoys the feeding, eating large amounts of food, and gaining weight to please their feeder.

Some key aspects of feederism include:

  • Stuffing: Rapidly consuming a large amount of food in one sitting. This is done to speed up weight gain and for the pleasure of overeating.
  • Squashing: A feeder lying under or next to their feedee and having them rest their weight on the feeder's body. The feeder enjoys the feeling of being "squashed" by the feedee's larger size and weight.
  • Immobility: For some feeders and feedees, the ultimate goal is for the feedee to become completely immobile due to their size. The feeder must then care for and feed the feedee as they are unable to do so themselves.
  • Weight gain: Significant weight gain, often to the point of obesity, is the objective for most feeders and feedees. The feeder provides more and more food to enable the feedee's increasing consumption and weight gain.

Feederism is considered an extreme fetish and can pose health risks. However, for those involved, the pleasure and gratification they gain from this fetish makes the risks worthwhile to them. Feederism allows them to explore their interest in food, eating, and weight gain in a sexual context with a consenting partner.

Crush Fetish: Squishing Objects for Pleasure

The crush fetish involves deriving sexual pleasure from watching objects, food, or small objects being crushed, squished, or destroyed. For those with this fetish, the act of crushing triggers an erotic response.

Soft Crushing

Some crush fetishists prefer “soft crushing,” focusing on squishing food, or inanimate objects. Soft crush videos feature people walking on Jell-O, smashing raw eggs with their feet, or squishing grapes between their toes. These acts are meant to seem sensual while avoiding harming anything alive.


The crush fetish is considered a “paraphilia”—an atypical sexual interest. Paraphilias are difficult to study, so little is known about what specifically causes crush interests to develop. Possible explanations include:

  • Imprinting: Early experiences, such as witnessing a parent crush objects, imprint on the psyche.
  • Anxiety alleviation: Watching crushing acts helps relieve anxiety by giving a sense of power or control.
  • Excitement-seeking: For some, the thrill of witnessing taboo acts leads to arousal.

Coulrophilia: When Clowns Are Sexy

Coulrophilia is the attraction to clowns, and for some, it can manifest in a sexually arousing way. Individuals with this fetish find clowns and the act of clowning highly stimulating.


Those with coulrophilia are often attracted to the whimsical and exaggerated features of the clown esthetic, like the pale makeup, wig, red nose, and colorful outfit. The silliness and awkward, bumbling antics of clowns can also be appealing. Some enjoy the mystery of not knowing the actual identity behind the makeup and wig. The forbidden or taboo nature of this fetish may add an extra element of excitement.

Exploring the Fetish

There are a few ways for coulrophiliacs to engage in their interests. Some enjoy watching clown porn or erotic films featuring clowns. Others may become intimate while dressed as clowns themselves or ask their partner to clown around during foreplay or sex. Simply viewing photographs of clowns or clowning acts can also be stimulating.


As with any fetish, it is important to exercise caution and obtain enthusiastic consent when acting on coulrophilic interests with a partner. Not everyone will share or understand this particular attraction, so discretion is advised. Some may find certain clowning acts or features disturbing or frightening rather than arousing. Coulrophilia is considered an unusual fetish, so individuals may feel embarrassed or ashamed of their interests, even though having a fetish or kink is perfectly normal.

Exploring any unconventional turn-on can be a very personal experience. For coulrophiliacs, embracing this quirky aspect of their sexuality and finding partners who share their interests can lead to a very joyful and fulfilling sex life. As long as the fetish involves only consenting adults, coulrophilia deserves the same respect and acceptance as any other kink.

Eproctophilia: Passing Gas as a Turn-On

Eproctophilia is a rare paraphilia characterized by arousal from flatulence (passing gas). For those with this fetish, the act of passing gas, especially in the presence of a partner, is seen as an intimate act and can be sexually gratifying.

Some theories about the origins of eproctophilia point to childhood experiences, such as a caretaker who was overly permissive or attentive when a child passed gas. The arousal may be related to feelings of embarrassment, shame or loss of control. For others, the fetish develops in adulthood and the root cause is unknown.

If you find yourself aroused by flatulence, there are a few ways to explore this interest safely with a consenting partner:

  • Discuss your interests openly and honestly with your partner to gage their comfort level. Explain what specifically arouses you about passing gas and set clear boundaries.
  • Start slowly by having your partner pass gas in your presence during foreplay or sex. Give positive feedback and encouragement as they get accustomed to it. Gradually progress at the pace you're both comfortable with.
  • Role play different scenarios involving passing gas that excite you. This allows you to act out your interests in a controlled fantasy. Always get your partner's consent for any role play.
  • Watch flatulence-themed adult videos together. This can be an indirect way to experience the fetish vicariously and determine if acting on it in real life is right for you.
  • Consider speaking to a kink-friendly therapist. They can help you work through feelings of shame and navigate eproctophilia in a healthy way. A therapist may also help couples come to an understanding if one partner does not share the interest.

With open communication, patience and compromise, eproctophilia is a fetish that some couples can enjoy together. But it is not for everyone, and that is perfectly okay. The most important thing is that you and your partner(s) feel respected, comfortable and consenting.

This Long Datex Spanking Skirt (LE 9155) will allow you to engage in eproctophilia easily.

Klismaphilia: Getting Off on Enemas

Klismaphilia, or achieving sexual arousal from receiving enemas, is an unusual fetish that some individuals find pleasurable. For klismaphiles, the act of filling the rectum and colon with liquid stimulates erotic sensations.

The most common enema liquids used are water, oil, or saline. Some klismaphiles become aroused at the anticipation of receiving the enema, as well as during its administration and evacuation. The fetish may involve a partner administering the enema, or self-administering while a partner observes. Some individuals prefer more elaborate enema bags, tubes and nozzles to enhance the experience.

Psychologically, the fetish may relate to feelings of fullness, intimacy, or submission. The physical stimulation of nerve endings in the anus and rectum also contributes to arousal and pleasure. For some, the taboo nature or “naughtiness” of enemas also fuels excitement.

If you wish to explore this fetish, do extensive research on proper enema techniques and safety. Use only sterile equipment and liquids to avoid infection or damage to the colon. Start with small volumes of lukewarm liquid and see how your body responds before increasing the amount. Never share enema equipment with another person. Discuss your interests with a medical professional to address any health concerns.

Always practice klismaphilia in a safe, private setting with a consenting partner. Establish clear boundaries and a signal to stop the activity immediately if discomfort occurs. With the necessary precautions taken, klismaphilia can be an intimate and pleasurable experience for those with this particular interest. However, it does come with risks that require education and caution.


You may have thought you knew the boundaries of human sexuality and interests, but these fetishes prove that kink knows no bounds. While not for everyone, for those with particular interests, a fetish can be a meaningful part of their sexual expression and identity. If anything, this exploration of 9 surprising fetishes shows that human sexuality is infinitely diverse and complex. For some, a fetish even becomes a lifestyle and community. Though these fetishes may push the envelope of what you consider "normal", they highlight the fact that for consenting adults, normal is whatever feels right for you. If you have an interest in exploring new areas of sexuality, do so carefully and make sure to respect the limits and consent of yourself and your partners. The world of kink has something for everyone, so don't be afraid to find what works for you.


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